The Best Acne Facial & What is ACNE?

What is acne?  Well it depends who you ask.  Many will argue that it is a skin condition that occurs when a hair follicle plugs with oil and dead skin cells.  Some say over 80% of ACNE is genetics.  Others will say diet and lifestyle along with age and puberty play a huge role.  The truth is, there are many contributing factors that affect the skin. Millions of American’s suffer from “ACNE” so let’s not spend too much time on how you got it, let’s start working towards clear skin!

So, what IS acne exactly, and how do I know if I need an Acne Facial?

The typical ACNE FACIAL or Face Fitness starts with mechanical lymphatic drainage and a deep but gentle cleanse.  Products used are formulated specifically for inflammation and sensitivity to calm acne and decrease redness.  CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY and clinical systems remove impurities with no stress to the skin.  The protocol for this facial is tailored specifically for your needs, so be prepared to see a difference!

Kris at SKIN doesn’t like to call acne “ACNE” and here’s why!

“This is because ACNE can be caused from many things.  Impurities can be caused by hormonal imbalances, genetics, they can be stress-induced, and due to lifestyle choices.  There are very few people who have ACNE simply because they don’t wash their face.  Most of my patients with ACNE take great care of their skin.” – Kris 

If your blemishes are causing anxiety, if you need help getting your acne under control – you’ve found the right place! We are dedicated to helping you put your best face forward! Call SKIN today to schedule a complimentary consultation! 619-381-0011