Get the Best Dermaplaning Treatment in San Diego, CA at SKIN

Dermaplaning, have you heard of this cosmetic treatment? Actually, this treatment is quite popular today, especially in San Diego, CA. However, what does it really do? What benefits can you get from this treatment? To know more, read on.

Facts about Dermaplaning in San Diego, CA

To help you understand this treatment today, here are some fact about Dermaplaining San Diego, CA

  • Like microdermabrasion, it can remove dead skin cells and peach fuzz on their faces.
  • It is a non-surgical procedure, and it’s safe for most people. A licensed aesthetic specialist should do the dermaplane in your face.
  • Your insurance will not always cover the cost of dermaplaning.
  • Results vary, but like other cosmetic treatments for exfoliation, it will help your skin become brighter and smoother.
  • You don’t need any recovery time, so patients can do whatever they want to do after they are done with the treatment.

With these facts, you can say that dermaplaning San Diego is a great treatment to pamper yourself. However, before you call and ask for a consultation in San Diego, let’s first determine the procedures and benefits for your skin.

What is Dermaplane, and What Does it Do With Dead Skin Cells?

Dermaplane or Dermaplaning is a cosmetic treatment that will use a surgical blade to scrape off dead skin cells and peach fuzz in your face. Without the dead skin in your face, it will help unclog your pores, prevent acne, and make the skin surface smoother.

Without the peach fuzz or the vellus hair in your face, the products you use for skin care will penetrate your skin much better. Putting make-up is also much easier since you will have more even application without facial hair.

Dermaplaning Procedures

The Dermaplane procedure and consultation are easy and fast. Unlike chemical peels, the whole procedure may take less than an hour. The tool used is a surgical blade that will gently glide onto the patients’ face at a 45-degree angle.

The patients will feel slight pain or tingling while doing the procedure at first, but it will go away a few hours after the treatment. Chemicals will not be used in the procedure, and you will be given aloe vera or products that can soothe the pain and protect your skin. After the procedure, dead and dry skin cells will be removed away, and you will have smoother and glowing skin.

A professional aesthetic specialist will do the procedure so you can be assured that there will be little to no risk in dermaplaning. It is actually one of the best and effective ways to make your face feel smooth and free of facial hair.

Beauty Benefits of Dermaplaning in San Diego

  • Dermaplane facial makes your skin surface smoother, even, and brighter.
  • After the dead skin is gone, new cells will be triggered to come out.
  • Skincare products will work better in your skin since it penetrates the skin easier.
  • Cosmetics or make-up can be applied easier and evenly.
  • Dermaplaning can be performed before you do some facials, chemical peels, or microdermabrasion.
  • You can do it any time to free your skin from vellus hair, acne, fine line, and other sun damage.
  • Dermaplaning is also safe for pregnant women and patients with sensitive skin.
  • It’s non-surgical, and you will surely like that you don’t need to wait for recovery time.
  • The whole procedure will not take hours. Within an hour, you can have a smooth and beautiful appearance.


  • Dermaplaning is pricier than other hair-removal and exfoliation treatments, even in San Diego.
  • Not everyone can undergo this facial treatment. Patients with highly sensitive skin, active acne, and polycystic ovaries disease can’t do dermaplaning since it will not work well for them.
  • It’s not permanent. Hair will re-grow depending on the patient’s body.
  • The result can only last for a few weeks.

Can You Do It at Home?

Dermaplaning, although safe, can’t be done carelessly since a blade will be used to peel the dead and dry skin in your face. Without the help of a medical specialist, you can get an infection or complication. You may also not get the results you want since you don’t have experience doing the treatment.

It’s advisable to set an appointment in a beauty or medical clinic than do it at home. They will have board-certified skin care specialist and plastic surgeon that have the experience to make your appearance better. The procedures you will have in a clinic are much better than when you do it at home.

In San Diego, CA, there are a lot of certified plastic surgeon and dermatologist clinics. They performed various kinds of skin care treatments, especially dermaplane, for their clients.

Cost of Dermaplane Facial

Dermaplaning is pricier today compared to other exfoliation procedures available in clinics. The price usually depends on where you will get it and the cost of living. In San Diego, Ca. it can cost $110 or more, still depending on the dermatologist’s office or cosmetic clinic where you will get it.

Remember that the cost can still change depending on the additional treatment you will need to get with it and the number of sessions. A plastic surgeon can also offer a chemical peel with dermaplaning since the skin can absorb the chemical peel much better. However, it can cost more since it’s an additional procedure.

Things You Need to Know.

If you plan to get this procedure in San Diego today, here are the things you need to consider.

  • Dermaplaning is not a permanent skincare solution.
  • First-time patients need to get facial consultation with a plastic surgeon or cosmetic specialist to confirm if dermaplaning is good for their skin.
  • It’s best to do it with a plastic surgeon or cosmetic specialist in a clinic that does it at home.
  • It is not permanent, but it will give you great aesthetic results.
  • Never do dermaplaning on your own, especially if you not familiar with it.
  • Look for qualified and certified plastic and beauty specialists.
  • Don’t apply skincare products that have acids, benzoyl peroxide, and retinoids after. It’s best to apply gentle products to help your skin heal to have new healthy skin.
  • Take care of your skin, and don’t forget to apply facial sunscreen to your face to protect it from UV rays.
  • If you are in San Diego, you will find various open plastic surgeon’s clinics to help you with dermaplaning today.

How Many Times You Need To Do It

Dermaplane can be performed once every month or more, depending on your plastic surgeon. Doing it more than prescribe number may irritate and damage your skin. Call your doctor always to ask his or her opinion.

Ensure that you do this treatment near your home so that you can book a consultation easily. If you live in San Diego, it’s recommended that you undergo this procedure in a clinic also found in San Diego to make it more convenient for you.

Dermaplaning in San Diego is a good way to treat yourself and pamper your skin. Achieve beauty without breaking your wallet today. Visit us in our office or call us to book an appointment and experience the best Dermaplaning, San Diego, CA.