How to chose the best Sunscreen

Sunscreens, or SPF are filters of UV energy. They are used to filter out a portion of the subs UVA and UVB rays before they penetrate your skin and cause damage. Do sunscreens ever block all UV rays? No, sunscreens are filters, not blocks. The FDA no longer allows the term sunblock for this reason.

What is the difference between UVA and UVB rays?

The difference is the wavelengths. UVA light rays are longer and penetrate deeper. Uva rays are present 365 days a year and penetrate through glass and clouds. UVB light rays are mid-range and are responsible for tanning or burning the superficial layers if your skin. These rays are stronger between 10am-4pm.  Think of uvA for aging and uvB for burning.

What do the letters SPF mean?

Sun Protection Factor indicates how long you can stay in the sun without burning from UVB light rays. SPF does not indicate any protection from the damaging UVA rays.

For example, SPF 30 allows 1/30 of the sun’s UV radiation energy through to your skin, versus wearing no sunscreen at all. SPF 15 blocks out 94% of UVB rays and SPF 30 blocks out 97 of UVB rays. SPF 45 blocks out 98%.  Most dermatologists recommend a 30 SPF.  Because the difference is so minimal.

Understanding Broad Spectrum

The words broad spectrum indicate protection from UVA rays. It is very important to use a sunscreen with a broad spectrum because UVA rays are the ones that cause aging!

“Organic Sunscreen”

Don’t be a fool to the word organic. Sunscreens contain filters that either reflect or absorb UV rays and there are two main types, organic and inorganic. In Sunscreen, the term “Organic” simply indicates a substance containing carbon.

Chemical = Organic

Yes, it is true. Chemical Sunscreens are called Organic. These are sunscereens that absorb UV radiation and change it into heat. Mineral (inorganic) aka “chemical free” reflect and scatter UV radiation. An example of this would be, titanium dioxide or zinc oxide.  Mineral suncreens are safer and less irritating.   When it comes to Sunscreen, zinc oxide provides the safest and best protection against UVA and UVB rays.  Our favorite is Reflect, by Cosmedix.