Ways to Supercharge Your Beauty Routine with Almonds

Those who know me well know I am absolutely obsessed with raw nuts, dried fruit, berries and of course beef Jerky. In fact, I always keep a variety of nuts in the house and pack them in my bag daily for easy work snacks. And, do not get me started on the food near work, – it is just the worst. I am on the go every week for work, driving back and forth between hillcrest and rancho Santa Fe. so eating healthy can be challenging. On top of all the driving and work,  being a new mom also makes nutrition a task. This is why bringing my own snacks has become a habit in my book.


Almonds are one of the most easily accessible type of nuts. You can find raw almonds in any local grocery store, at gas stations, and convenience stores. But, do not let that fool you – they are a super food. Almonds contain vitamins B2 and E, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and copper. Most importantly, a one-fourth cup serving contains 49 percent of your recommended daily allowance of biotin. 


What is biotin? Biotin, also known as B7, is vital for the proper function of the nervous system and musculature and for maintaining cellular processes like growth, metabolism, and energy. It is frequently referred to as the “beauty vitamin” because of its restorative properties for the skin. When we lack biotin, our skin is the first to show the signs of a deficiency. According to the Dermal Institute, these are the symptoms of a B7 deficiency:


  • Red, scaly rash around the nose, mouth, and eyes
  • Thinning hair, sometimes with shedding and loss of pigment (graying hair)
  • Possible depression, fatigue, and hallucinations
  • Tingling sensations in the arms and legs
  • Muscle cramps after exercise
  • Possible high cholesterol and heart problems
  • Cradle cap, a type of seborrheic dermatitis of the scalp, head, and eyebrows (in babies, crusty yellowish-whitish patches appear in these areas and may or may not be itchy)
  • Increased risk for developing other health issues


To keep healthy and avoid any skin problems like this, you can incorporate almonds into both your meals and your skin care routine. Here are ways to do this.




Do not be confused by uneducated people telling you that consuming nuts will make you gain weight. Numerous studies have shown that incorporating unsaturated fats (such as nuts and avocado) actually helps stabilize weight.

A serving of almonds has 162 calories, 14 grams of heart-healthy unsaturated fat, and six grams of protein. Remember, one serving of almonds is 23 almonds, which equals one ounce, one-fourth cup, or about one handful. Portion control is key. 

Sprouting or soaking nuts removes the outer shell, which contains phytic acid. Phytic acid is a naturally-occurring botanical substance. It is a strong chelator to the most essential minerals, such as zinc, calcium, and iron. Whenever you consume nuts with phytic acid present (with the shell on, essentially), those nutrients will be removed and not used by your body, as they were intended. When you soak and sprout the almonds, not only will you remove the outer shell, and the physic acid, but you will also increase the amount of active enzymes in the nuts, making it more easily digestible for those who experience stomach issues during digestion.

 What product do we go nuts over? 


Lait U

My favorite is Lait U. It is one of three cleansers offered by Biologique Recherche and is the most affordable option. Lait U is a gentle cleanser and makeup remover that is oil-free and will “respect the skin’s hydrolipidic film”.  But, what Lait U leaves behind isn’t quite a film, but it does feel like theres something very hydrating on the skin. Almost like a reinforced barrier. 

A gentle cleanser that comes out it’s bottle a thick lotion that is meant to be rubbed into dry skin. Biologique Recherche Lait U Cleanser does a wonderful job at breaking down face makeup, but struggles a bit with eye makeup.  So, to remove eye makeup, I recommend eau micellaire biosensible. 


The active ingredients of Lait U are: Wheat Germ Extract and Sweet Almond Oil. Wheat Germ Extract has a skin-softening effect and delivers vitamin A, D, E, B vitamins, antioxidants and fatty acids. And, all of these work to support healthy collagen production, reduce skin damage, and maintain an even skintone. Sweet Almond Oil (one of my favorite skincare ingredients) is full of vitamin E, zinc, potassium, and fatty acids. Zinc is a wonderful calming and anti-bacterial agent.